
Meet Worker Positions/Training

Hello!  This is your friendly reminder to complete a training of your choice on the RSL Website at https://rsl.swimtopia.com/training!  I've only heard from a few of you regarding the training that you were planning to complete so please take the time to review the trainings that are available, and then complete one of them.  With the exception of Referee/Stroke and Turn, the trainings are completely self-directed and do not take long to complete.  It is essentially reviewing a Google Slide Deck and then completing a form to verify that you have reviewed it.  We are in need of all trained positions:  Starter, Clerk of the Course, Head Timer, and Scorekeeper.  

In particular, we are still in need of trained Referees and Stroke and Turn Judges.  If you have ever been a competitive swimmer, this could be the training for you!  There is a Live Zoom Training tomorrow night that you can still register for. There is also the option to watch the Recap of the first training and then sign a statement that you've completed it. Links to register for the LIVE Zoom Training or watch the Recap are listed below. The RSL is providing an update to teams as parents complete the trainings. 

---- Referee - Stroke & Turn Training Session #2 When: Jun 9, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEsdeivrj4iGNCs8kuDE_aHKpezFgPTw6Ae After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


Below is the access information for the recording. Once done, click the certification link to let us know that the session was viewed and to get credit for it! 

--- Recap: Referee, Stroke & Turn Training Session #1 Topic: Referee - Stroke & Turn Training Session #1 Date: May 26, 2021 06:46 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Meeting Recording: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/57kCQU6-1hqVD76y-nZC6IutgjnzMDJtEc-eniliMCsqtaEdIMEhRnnJCY2xJKxC.KQLI4iOlh55d91va Access Passcode: BaD60ZF! 

Please let me know if you have any questions! GOOOOO Barracudas!

Tracy Harrington

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